Tuesday 6 November 2012


Don't you think he looks like one of those handsome formula 1 race car drivers from the 70s?

We ususally really enjoy Halloween and fireworks night but this year life just seemed to get in the way (Boo). Paul did manage to go along to a fancy dress party dressed as a raceing car driver the Saturday before Halloween which suited him just fine. Paul finds the finger clicking Addams Family theme tune really funny,he had them all doing it at the party apparently! He has a thing for pumpkins ,we've drawn,painted them and carved one,he loves watching them on You tube and signs for them using the signs for monkey! Don't ask I have no idea why. My poor wee Nairne came down with the lurgy,a nasty throat and cough so she missed dressing up and trick or treating this year.We had plans too for making witches brew and jelly worms,maybe next year.Halloween its self was swallowed up by a visit to Yorkhill Childrens Hospital for Paul.He was having a general anasthetic and a MRI scan.I was up the pole about the GA and for days maybe weeks before I could not think about much else.There is nothing anyone is really looking for an his MRI only that he has a new consultant who wants some baseline tests done incase of futrure need.Paul is doing fab right now, long may it continue. Nairne went back to school on the Wednesday but by Saturday was laid low again by a gastric flu,she is usually such a healthy kid ,its not good seeing her wiped out.Lots of cuddles,drinks,sleep and soup seem to be working their magic so this morning she looks a bit more chirpy.Never the less it meant that we did't make it to the big fireworks display at the park.Instead Paul watched the neighbours fireworks from the back garden.He went over to where I keep my joss sticks and said "fifis,fifis" this is Pauls word for flowers but I remembered he used it last year for sparklers.I hadn't been out to buy any  as I had been in with Nairne.I thought "oh no all hell is going to break loose", as Paul wouldn't be able to understand the joss sticks were different from sparklers, but then Daddy came to the rescue remembering he had some in his cupboard from last years Guy Fawkes.Phew...everyone happy.

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